Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics, health-related factors and sexual behaviours associated with reporting testing for STIs during two periods of the first year of the UK’s pandemic response

Lookback period (period number)March–June/July 2020 (P1)July–November/December 2020 (P2)
Sample composition, col % (n)(Row) % reporting a recent STI test (n)uOR (95% CI) for reporting a recent STI testP valueaOR (95% CI)* for reporting a recent STI testP valueSample composition, col % (n)(Row) % reporting a recent STI test (n)uOR (95% CI) for reporting a recent STI testP valueaOR (95% CI)* for reporting a recent STI testP value
All†100.0 (1950)25.0 (487)100.0 (1463)37.2 (544)
Sociodemographic characteristics
Age (years)
 Under 3024.6 (479)28.8 (138)1<0.00110.00126.5 (388)39.2 (152)10.00510.136
 30–4435.3 (688)28.3 (195)0.98 (0.76 to 1.27)0.82 (0.61 to 1.10)37.8 (553)40.9 (226)1.07 (0.82 to 1.40)0.79 (0.57 to 1.09)
 45 and over40.2 (783)19.7 (154)0.60 (0.46 to 0.79)0.58 (0.43 to 0.79)35.7 (522)31.8 (166)0.72 (0.55 to 0.95)0.71 (0.50 to 1.00)
Sexual identity
 Gay86.1 (1678)26.5 (444)1<0.00110.00383.4 (1220)39.3 (479)1<0.00110.235
 Bisexual‡14.0 (272)15.8 (43)0.52 (0.37 to 0.74)0.58 (0.40 to 0.83)16.6 (243)26.8 (65)0.56 (0.42 to 0.77)0.80 (0.56 to 1.15)
 White§88.6 (1728)24.5 (424)10.219n.a.87.8 (1284)36.7 (471)10.290n.a.
 All other ethnic groups¶11.4 (222)28.4 (63)1.22 (0.89 to 1.66)12.2 (179)40.8 (73)1.19 (0.86 to 1.64)
Country of residence in the UK
 England86.1 (1679)27.0 (454)1<0.0011<0.00184.3 (1233)39.9 (491)1<0.0011<0.001
 Outside England13.9 (271)12.2 (33)0.37 (0.26 to 0.55)0.37 (0.25 to 0.55)15.7 (230)23.0 (53)0.45 (0.33 to 0.63)0.53 (0.36 to 0.78)
Born in the UK
 Yes78.1 (1523)24.2 (368)10.12110.58876.9 (1125)33.9 (381)1<0.00110.003
 No21.9 (427)27.9 (119)1.21 (0.95 to 1.54)0.93 (0.71 to 1.22)23.1 (338)48.2 (163)1.82 (1.42 to 2.33)1.58 (1.17 to 2.14)
Highest educational qualification
 Degree or higher59.0 (1149)27.1 (311)10.01110.06557.4 (840)42.0 (353)1<0.00110.029
 Below degree41.1 (800)22.0 (176)0.76 (0.61 to 0.94)0.80 (0.64 to 1.01)42.6 (623)30.7 (191)0.61 (0.49 to 0.76)0.75 (0.57 to 0.97)
Employed (inc. furlough**)
 Yes77.2 (1497)25.3 (378)10.656n.a.74.9 (1095)37.9 (415)10.327n.a.
 No22.8 (442)24.2 (107)0.95 (0.74 to 1.21)25.2 (368)35.1 (129)0.88 (0.69 to 1.13)
Health-related factors
HIV status
 Negative/Unknown89.9 (1753)25.2 (442)10.46210.75389.4 (1308)36.0 (471)10.0081<0.001
 Positive10.1 (197)22.8 (45)0.88 (0.62 to 1.25)1.06 (0.72 to 1.56)10.6 (155)47.1 (73)1.58 (1.13 to 2.21)2.88 (1.94 to 4.28)
PrEP use (in the lookback period)
 No86.4 (1677)19.9 (333)1<0.0011<0.00177.0 (1125)25.2 (284)1<0.0011<0.001
 Yes13.6 (264)57.2 (151)5.39 (4.11 to 7.08)4.23 (3.10 to 5.76)23.1 (337)77.2 (260)10.0 (7.50 to 13.33)7.83 (5.65 to 10.86)
Life satisfaction level
 Medium–very high68.8 (1340)24.4 (327)10.368n.a.75.6 (1106)37.1 (410)10.875n.a.
 Low31.2 (608)26.3 (160)1.11 (0.89–1.38)24.4 (357)37.5 (134)1.02 (0.80 to 1.31)
Sexual behaviour ( in the lookback period )
No. of CAS partners
 None62.1 (1211)18.9 (229)1<0.0011<0.00143.2 (632)21.0 (133)1<0.0011<0.001
 One20.4 (398)27.9 (111)1.66 (1.28 to 2.16)1.66 (1.24 to 2.20)23.7 (346)30.6 (106)1.66 (1.23 to 2.23)1.50 (1.07 to 2.10)
 Multiple17.5 (341)43.1 (147)3.25 (2.51 to 4.21)2.13 (1.58 to 2.87)33.2 (485)62.9 (305)6.36 (4.87 to 8.29)3.44 (2.54 to 4.65)
  • *Adjusting for: age; sexual identity; country of residence; born in the UK; education; living with partner; HIV status; PrEP use; CAS.

  • †Cisgender MSM.

  • ‡Including ‘Bisexual’ (S1: n=220; S2: n=179); ‘Other’ (S1: n=44; S2: n=50); ‘Straight’ (S1: n=8; S2: n=14).

  • §Including ‘White British’ (S1: n=1426; S2: n=1045); ‘White Irish’ (S1: n=75; S2: n=55); ‘White other’ (S1: n=227; S2: n=184).

  • ¶Including ‘Black’ (S1: n=31; S2: n=41); ‘Asian’ (S1: n=101; S2: n=63); ‘Mixed or other’ (S1: n=90; S2: n=75).

  • **The UK government paid 80% of the salary of those who were unable to work due to COVID-19 restrictions.15

  • aOR, adjusted OR; CAS, condomless anal sex; CI, confidence interval; MSM, men who have sex with men; n.a., not applicable; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis; uOR, unadjusted OR.