Table 3

Univariable determinants of incident HCV infection among individuals enrolled in the Dutch national PrEP programme between July 2019 and December 2022

Total (n=9851)
IRR*95% CIP value
Age per 10 years, continuous1.190.98 to 1.440.08
Key population
 Transgender0.790.11 to 5.68
Region of origin
 Non-Dutch1.220.73 to 2.05
Educational level
 At least college degreeRef0.22
 Less than college degree0.680.37 to 1.26
PrEP regimen12M
 Event driven0.790.48 to 1.31
Number of sex partners per ln(n+1) increase6M 0.950.74 to 1.230.69
Receptive CAS6M 2.591.12 to 6.020.03
Reporting chemsex‡6M 1.781.06 to 2.980.03
Reporting sex work6M §
STI diagnosis¶2.301.23 to 4.310.01
IDU6M 6.152.20 to 17.18<0.01
  • *Indicates the relative increase or decrease in IR for each socioeconomic characteristic or sexual behaviour when present at visit.

  • †No incident HCV infections were among those whose PrEP regimen was missing at any visit.

  • ‡Defined as the use of methamphetamine, GHB/GBL and/or mephedrone before or during sex.

  • §Sex work was excluded because all incident infections were among those who did not report sex work.

  • ¶Diagnosed with an anal chlamydia/gonorrhoea or a syphilis infection at visit.

  • CAS, condomless anal sex; CI, confidence interval; GBL, γ-butyroactone; GHB, γ-hydroxybutyric acid; HCV, hepatitis C virus; IDU, injecting drug use; IR, incidence rate; IRR, incidence rate ratio; ln, natural log; 6M, during the previous 6 months; 12M, during the previous 12 months; MSM, men who have sex with men; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis; Ref, reference category; STI, sexually transmitted infection.