Table 1

Characteristics at baseline and at the time of first incident HCV infection or at last visit among individuals without HCV enrolled in the Dutch national PrEP programme between July 2019 and December 2022

Total (n=10 563)Incident HCV infection (n=64)No incident HCV infection (n=9788)
Sociodemographic characteristics
 Age in years, median (IQR)34 (27–45)40 (33–52)36 (29–47)
  ≤345449 (51.6)23 (35.9)4538 (46.4)
  35–442392 (22.6)14 (21.9)2367 (24.2)
  ≥452722 (25.8)27 (42.2)2883 (29.4)
 Key population
  MSM10 319 (97.7)63 (98.4)9548 (97.6)
  Transgender person244 (2.3)1 (1.6)240 (2.4)
 Region of origin†
  Dutch7143 (67.6)42 (65.6)6609 (67.5)
  Non-Dutch3413 (32.3)22 (34.4)3175 (32.4)
  Amsterdam3676 (34.8)32 (51.6)3554 (36.3)
  Other6887 (65.2)30 (48.4)6230 (63.7)
 Educational level‡
  Less than college degree3268 (30.9)14 (21.9)2942 (30.1)
  At least college degree6752 (63.9)44 (68.8)6369 (65.1)
 Choice of PrEP regimen
  Event driven4381 (41.5)25 (39.1)4611 (47.1)
  Daily5608 (53.1)39 (60.9)5121 (52.3)
  Missing574 (5.4)0 (0.0)56 (0.6)
Self-reported sexual behaviour in the preceding 6 months
 Number of sex partners, median (IQR)7 (3–15)5 (3–10)6 (3–12)
 Receptive CAS§7822 (74.1)57 (89.1)7540 (77.0)
 Reporting chemsex¶/group sex**4447 (42.1)31 (48.4)4382 (44.8)
 Reporting sex work††460 (4.4)0 (0.0)361 (3.7)
 STI diagnosis‡‡798 (7.6)12 (18.8)824 (8.4)
 IDU§§139 (1.3)6 (9.4)166 (1.7)
  • All statistics are n (%) or median (IQR).

  • *n=711 not included because they had only one visit with an HCV test result.

  • †Missing data; n=7 of which n=0 and n=4 among those with and without incident HCV infection, respectively.

  • ‡Missing data; n=543 of which n=6 and n=477 among those with and without incident HCV infection, respectively.

  • §Missing data; n=220 of which n=1 and n=127 among those with and without incident HCV infection, respectively.

  • ¶Defined as the use of methamphetamine, GHB/GBL and/or mephedrone before or during sex.

  • **Missing data; n=2372 of which n=16 and n=450 among those with and without incident HCV infection, respectively.

  • ††Missing data; n=381 of which n=5 and n=202 among those with and without incident HCV infection, respectively.

  • ‡‡Diagnosed with an anal chlamydia/gonorrhoea or a syphilis infection at visit.

  • §§Missing data; n=6438 of which n=36 and n=6062 among those with and without incident HCV infection, respectively.

  • CAS, condomless anal sex; GBL, γ-butyroactone; GHB, γ-hydroxybutyric acid; HCV, hepatitis C virus; IDU, injecting drug use; MSM, men who have sex with men; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis; STI, sexually transmitted infection.