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P6.066 Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?: A Meta-Analysis of 10 Years of Sexual Health Service Integration in Glasgow, Scotland, UK
  1. R Ilett1,2
  1. 1Sandyford Sexual Health Services, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow, UK
  2. 2University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK


Background In 2000, family planning and reproductive health, genitourinary medicine, and women’s health converged to form integrated sexual health services in Glasgow and Clyde, Scotland - the first large-scale UK example. The service now supports 100, 000 people annually via 250 multi-skilled staff in 20 sites across a large post-industrial area with major deprivation, and 1+ million population. Its services include contraception, termination, HIV and STI testing, young people’s and gay men’s services, counselling and a public library. After ten years, the service commissioned three external evaluations to assess success and potential developments. This paper describes a meta-analysis of these.

Methods The evaluations used qualitative and quantitative methods including reviewing activity; undertaking staff surveys, user engagement, stakeholder interviews, population research and feedback from doctors and health professionals. The meta-analysis systematically reviewed the evaluations to triangulate main themes, patterns and disconnects.

Results The meta-analysis revealed significant themes. For example, only 5% of local young people knew the service at its start and 61% a decade later, whereas people in their 40s did not think it relevant. Strategically, the service was felt to have developed an innovative resource for professionals and policy-makers and to be leading sexual health developments and training nationally, but not engaging with local health care enough.

Conclusion The meta-analysis reveals a service that has demystified sexual health care and influenced nationally and more widely. The paper concludes with recommendations that the service should remain integrated, with inequalities-sensitive practise central, and continue inclusive approaches to staff involvement. The service should better utilise social media; engage more with other health staff; better understand older people’s motivations to use services; focus more on men, especially young men, and young people from deprived and minority ethnic communities; maintain its vision to deliver and promote integrated services, and be flexible in possible developments.

  • Integration
  • modernisation
  • sexual health services

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