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P3.047 Oncogenic HPV Prevalence in HIV Infected Women Assisted in Public Health in BUENOS AIRES (CABA)
  1. S V Vulcano,
  2. F González2,1,
  3. M Nan2,
  4. F Portnoy2,
  5. A Duran2,
  6. Cabanillas G Fernandez Bouzas2
  1. MB HPV study grou. Coordinación SIDA, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Background The scientific evidence shows that HIV-infected women have increased risk of precancerous lesions than uninfected women. The objective was search the prevalence of HPV and assess the cyto-colposcopic and Hybrid Capture test correlation for high-risk HPV in HIV infected women in CABA.

Methods 269 HIV infected women over 18, not pregnant and without IGT lesions were included between October 2010 to July 2012. Clinical and gynaecological chart were reviewed and sampling for PAP, colposcopy and screening of high-risk HPV were performed. The detection of high-risk HPV was performed with the hybrid capture assay (Digene).

Results Prevalence of HPV and epidemiological profile were available in the 269 women.

45% had HIV VL below 50 copies and 80% had CD4 upper than 350 cells/cc.

A PAP in the last year before this study was available in 30% of cases.

The correlation of screening techniques with the three methods proposed: diagnostic cytology, capture hybrid and colposcopy was made in 169 women

Prevalence of HPV infection was 39% (104 positive/165 negative).

Correlation between Cyto-colposcopic and Hybrid Capture test was:

hybrid capture (-) cytology/colposcopy (+) = 2/169

hybrid capture (+) cytology/colposcopy (-) = 15/169

hybrid capture (+) cytology/colposcopy = 32/169

hybrid Capture (-) cytology colposcopy (-) = 84/169

hybrid Capture (+) indeterminate cytology and colposcopy (-) = 19/169

hybrid Capture (-) indeterminate cytology and colposcopy (-) = 17/169

Conclusions Despite that it was not a large sample, the negative predictive value of hybrid captures for HPV detection was 98% in this population.

We recommend the incorporation of the hybrid capture as screening technique in all women with HIV regardless of the age and all those with negative cytology and positive hybrid capture for the early detection of cervical lesions.

  • HIV infected women
  • HPV
  • Prevalence

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