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P2.54 Penile verrucous squamous cell carcinoma in patient with non hodgkin lymphoma
  1. M Natasatsekova Balabanova,
  2. L Miteva,
  3. G Pehlivanov
  1. Medical University, Department of Dermatovenereology, Sofia – Bulgaria


Introduction Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which was first described in 1948 by Ackermann, was reported in the oral cavity, anus, penis and female genitalia. This carcinoma is a low-grade SCC tumour and exhibits slow invasive growth. Regional lymph node metastases are rare and distant metastases have not been reported yet. Penile verrucous SCC carcinoma represents 5% to 16% of all penile SCC and in 33% of cases is associated with HPV type 6,11. Lack of circumcision, poor hygiene, phimosis, tight prepuce and chronic infection are other important causative factors for penile verrucous SCC carcinoma. We are reporting a case of a 70 year-old male patient who has come to our clinic with enlarging erythematous, exophytic papillary mass with foul smell located on glans penis for four- month duration. The patient is a chain-smoker and immunosuppresed due to the treatment of a non- Hodgkin lymphoma. He reported occurrence of multiple condylomata acuminata on genital area with a long lapse, which was treated with local destructive therapy and electrocoagulation. His medical history includes also ischaemic heart disease and coronary insuffiency.

Methods: Histological examination established verrucous SCC carcinoma - hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, acanthosis with bulbous downward projections into the dermis and well-differentiated tumour cells with invasion in reticular derma with depth of 2.122 mm and desmoplastic stromal reaction. Polymerase Chain Reaction for HPV DNA detected HPV type 6.

Results and conclusion The surgical excision and amputation penis partialis in Urology surgical department showed that there was not invasion of the tumour in corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum and it was classificated as T1NxMx. The patient remains under the supervision of the dermatology and oncology specialists for eventual relapses.

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