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P3.211 Profile of men with hiv+ infection diagnosis: a comparative study on a public health service between the years 2003 and 2013
  1. GF Souza1,
  2. A Almeida1,
  3. HLB Reis2,
  4. HRA Montenegro3,
  5. MRL Passos4,
  6. DC Ferreira5
  1. 1UNIABEU, Belford Roxo – RJ, Brazil
  2. 2UFES, Vitoria – ES, Brazil
  3. 3UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil
  4. 4Prof Titular E Chefe do Setor de DST UFF, Niteroi – RJ, Brazil
  5. 5UNESA, UVA, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil


Introduction To describe and compare the profile of men who had a positive diagnosis to the infection by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) at a health service in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, in the years 2003 and 2013.

Methods Comparative and retrospective study in which the patient‘s medical records were utilised in the referred diagnostic service.

Results In 2003, 772 men were attended, and 116 (15.02%) were diagnosed with HIV, among them, 41 (35.3%) had 1 to 3 years of complete school education, 26 (22.4%) had 4 to 7 years of school education and 26 (22.4%) had from 8 to 11 years. 20 (17.2%) individuals had STDs in the past year. 33 (28.4%) individuals made regular use of condoms and 52 men (44.8%) described that they had never used condoms. In 2013, 838 men were attended, 84 (10.02%) were diagnosed with HIV. 5 patients (5.9%) reported having between 1 and 3 years of complete school education, 32 (38%) had between 4 and 7 years of school education, and 36 (42.8%) between 8 and 11 years. 45 (53.6%) described having experienced previous STDs. 7 patients (8.3%) reported effective condom use, but 33 men (39.3%) have never used condoms.

Conclusion It has been analysed that, after 10 years, an infection growth has taken place among individuals with a higher educational level, an increase of concomitant or past STDs in the previous year before the test, corroborating with the reduction in condom use. This study shows the need of the health professional assistance regarding, not only the pre-and post-test counselling, but also the educational activities within the communities in order to carry out awareness-raising strategies and guidelines aimed at STD/HIV prevention among male individuals.

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