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Acceptability of home screening for chlamydial infection: some remaining issues
  1. J E A M van Bergen
  1. Netherlands' Foundation for STD control, PO Box 8198 3503 RD, Utrecht, Netherlands
  1. j.vanbergen{at}

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Editor,—In the recent article by Stephenson et al1 the authors describe participation rates of 39% for women and 46% for men for home screening and comment “that this might form a useful component of a community based chlamydial screening programme in which non-responders could be offered opportunistic screening at the general practice.” However, certain crucial issues remain unanswered. This acceptability survey was done among women aged 18–25 years and men 18–30 years. What happens with people below the age of 18? We know that Chlamydia trachomatis prevalence is …

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