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P201 Evaluation of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) infections in female sex workers (FSW) attending a dedicated sex worker clinic
  1. Vanita Devadass1,
  2. Kim Leverett2,
  3. Sarah Macauley2,
  4. Selena Singh1
  1. 1Bart’s Health NHS Trust, London, UK
  2. 2Open Doors (City & Hackney, Tower Hamlets & Newham), London, UK


Background/introduction Previous research shows that female sex workers (FSW) are at high risk of certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and that migrant FSW appear to be at even higher risk.

Aim(s)/objectives To evaluate the characteristics of FSW managed by our dedicated sex worker clinics who tested positive for either CT or GC, including information about sexual partners outside of work.

Methods Retrospective case note review of patients identified by the Sexual Health and HIV Activity Property Type (SHHAPT) code ‘SW’ who also had either CT or GC in 2012–2014.

Results 129 episodes of infection were seen in 114 women. Age range 18–56; 76% (87/114) were ≤30 yrs. 103/114 (90%) were born outside of the UK; 77/103 (75%) were from Eastern Europe. 83/129 (64%) were vaginal infections (CT, GC or both); 40/120 (31%) pharyngeal and 26/129 (20%) rectal. 21/114 (18%) reported unprotected vaginal sex (UPVI) with clients. Where recorded 71/93 (76%) had a partner outside of work; of these 77% reported UPVI. 86/114 (75%) were HIV negative; 16% had never tested. 58/114 (51%) were deemed to have at least one vulnerability.

Abstract P201 Table 1

Discussion/conclusion Prevalence of both CT and GC is high and increasing in FSW, highlighting the importance outreach and testing in this vulnerable patient group.

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